The Kent Club

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Charity Walking Tours of London – London’s Fiery City

September 30, 2023 14:00 - 17:00
September 30, 2023
  • This event has passed.

Charity Walking Tours of London – London’s Fiery City

Following on from the success of the Chomping for Choppers lunch in July,

which raised over £6700 for the Metropolitan Grand Lodge’s Up Against Time appeal for the London Air Ambulance,

the Metropolitan Grand Stewards 2023 team are pleased to announce two further upcoming fundraisers:


Walking tours of London’s fascinating history, led by W Bro Tom Currie MetGStwd, an accredited London tour guide:

2pm Saturday 30th September –

Roman Ruins to Blitz Bombings: London’s Fiery City

Further information and tickets can be found here.



To maximise charitable raising we are seeking voluntary donations with a suggested minimum donation of £25 per ticket. All funds raised on the day will go directly to the Air Ambulance appeal. The link to make donations is below, and will also be included on your ticket confirmation email. Please claim Gift Aid if you’re eligible to do so, as it increases your donation by 25%!

Donation link: [Name of the Lodge/Chapter: MetGStwds 2023, Number of the Lodge/Chapter to be credited: E2058E]


September 30, 2023
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
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