The Kent Club

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The Kent Club for London Freemason has the pleasure of being invited to attend the formal lodge meeting and festive board of the the .

Lodge of St Julian

on Tuesday 25th  October at 5:15 PM. This lodge is for Freeman and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Innholders. There will be a tour before hand around 4:15pm.
Dining will be in the region of £85

The venue is as exquisite as is the dining experience

with the expertise of  the Michelin Star Chef Herbert Berger

@ Innholders Hall, 30 College Street, London, EC4R 2RH

This is a will be a very popular event. Bookings close on the 19th October and payments must have been made by then so don’t delay,

. You will receive an email later requesting payment and another with the summons.