The Kent Club


For London freemasons


For London freemasons


We are the social club for London Freemasons of all ages. It is a club where bonds are forged, where laughter echoes, and where we unite socially.

Members of The Kent Club are invited to unique events, specialist Lodge meetings, shows and other activities. Here they can meet other like-minded, sociable Masons and to enjoy themselves outside of their normal Masonic routines. Some of our events are extended to partners, families and friends allowing us to share the social side of Freemasonry. The annual membership fee is only £10.



The Kent Club for London Freemasons is a distinguished social and networking club for Freemasons who are members of London Lodges and Chapters. It provides a welcoming platform for brethren to connect, share experiences, and enhance their Masonic journey through a variety of exclusive events.

With a dynamic calendar that includes lodge visits, formal dinners, guest speaker evenings, and social gatherings, the Kent Club fosters camaraderie and deeper engagement with Freemasonry in London. It serves as an ideal space for Metropolitan Masons to meet like-minded individuals, broaden their Masonic connections, and enjoy the social aspects of the fraternity.

Whether you are newly initiated or an experienced Mason looking to expand your connections, the Kent Club offers a vibrant and supportive environment to enrich your Masonic experience in London.

We have a membership of over 800 London Freemasons and arrange several events each month, we have no age limit and see ourselves as the Social Club for London Freemasons!

Name This info is used for the purposes of addressing you.
Surname This info is used for the purposes of addressing you.
Email Address Please include email address to help us manage your account. We collect this information so that we can contact you by email. These details will be transferred to our customer relationship system to enable us to manage your account.
Phone Number
Password For better security passwor should be at least 8 symbols, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and at least one special symbol.
Repeat password This fiels is used for password confirmation purposes.
Lodge name
Lodge number
Chapter Name
Chapter Number

We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us.

For more information please visit our privacy policy

Email Username is a type of an unique information which we use to identify you in the website.
Password For better security password should be at least 8 symbols, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and at least one special symbol
In case you don't have an account - Register