The Kent Club

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Building and Re-building Lodges with Kent Club for London Masons

October 12, 2021 19:45 - 21:00
October 12, 2021
  • This event has passed.

Building and Re-building Lodges with Kent Club for London Masons

Please join us to hear first hand, via Zoom, the stories of how your fellow Met masons have turned their ideas – covering craft beer, golf, rugby, cricket, Twitter, university students and Escorting Officers – into real Lodges.

The evening will cover:

  • Ivor Macklin explaining how the Hornsey Lodge re-invented itself as the Met Escorting Officers’ Lodge
  • Matthew Murdock and William Urquhart discussing how the Northern Polytechnic Lodge became a University Scheme Lodge
  • MetGInsp Julian Soper explaining what he looks for in a University Scheme Lodge
  • AMetGM Robert Grant and MetGInsp John Parry will take you backstage with the Special Interest Lodges such as those for golf, rugby, cricket, craft beer, Twitterati and F1 aficionados.

We have a great evening of stories ahead of us and there will be plenty of time for conversation.


To Register your interest please “CLICK HERE”


October 12, 2021
7:45 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:


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